Amber Baltic Golf Club
Most of experienced Polish golf players made their first steps in Kołczewo, enjoying not only the game, but the stunning landscapes and kindness of the people playing golf here. s early as in 1991 people played on a 9-hole course in Kołczewo. Amber Baltic Golf Club was established in 1993 and is one of the two oldest clubs in Poland. The first golf instructor employed here was John Walker from Scotland. The second Pro was Jarosłav Peterka from the Chech Republic and the third one was a Pole - Marek Sokołowski. In the beginning of its existence the golf club was formed of 15 members, where 95% were foreigners.
Rules for joining Amber Baltic Golf Club
Everybody, who wants to join our golf club, must get acquainted with our different membership types, the Statute, as well as with the Rights and Obligations of members of the Amber Baltic Golf Club. Having read and understood the Statute and the Rights and Obligations, the candidate has to fill in an application form, marking out the chosen membership type. After filing the application, paying the required fee and being accepted by the Board of the Amber Baltic Golf Club, the candidate becomes a member of the club.
Join the club and become a member of the Amber Baltic Golf Club
Download the membership application - PDF Read the ABGC's Statute - PDF
Membership Annual Fee - 2025
DISCOUNTS for ABGC Members - 2025 |
Green Fee at Baltic Hills GC
-40% -
Driving Range balls
-25% -
Club Car
-20% -
Green Fee at 1.GolfClub Leipzig
Green Fee at BPGC, Modry Las oraz BWL
-10% -
ABGC Restaurant
-10% -
PRIMA Beer & Restaurant Międzyzdroje
-10% -
GREEN SPA Międzyzdroje
MEMBERS ANNUAL FEE - AMBER Course & BALTIC Course - 2025 |
5000,- -
Senior (60+)
4000,- -
Junior (13-18 y.o.)
1250,- -
Kids (under 13 y.o.)
5500,- -
Senior (65+)
4500,- -
Junior (13-18 y.o.)
1375,- -
Kids (under 13 y.o.)
MEMBERS ANNUAL FEE - BALTIC Course only (HCP 37-54) - 2025 |
1200,- -
Senior (60+)
1000,- -
Junior (13-18 y.o.)
300,- -
Kids (under 12 y.o.)
1400,- -
Senior (65+)
1200,- -
Junior (13-18 y.o.)
350,- -
Kids (under 12 y.o.)
FAMILY MEMBERSHIP - AMBER course - sum of all fees minus PLN 500 for each person* *applies to first-degree family members (e.g parents, children from 13 y.o.) |
The above prices are valid for payments made by 31.01.2025
To purchase a Membership or Annual Play in ABGC, please send an email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. along with the following information (for each golfer):
- name and surname
- year of birth
- contact details (e-mail, phone)
The Annual Fee does not include:
ABGC Association Fee - 150 PLN
HCP card maintenance fee (for PGU):
Juniors under 18 y.o. - 50 PLN
Youth 19-26 y.o. - 100 PLN
Adults 27-65 y.o. - 250 PLN
Seniors 65+ - 200 PLN